Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Linked in is a website that is business oriented in its networking. It is similar to Facebook and Myspace, only it is targeted towards the business aspect of networking. This website is an important site for anyone involved in college, and/or business. It is the perfect opportunity to meet people interested in the same area of work as you, look at different companies, post your resumes, and even to apply for jobs that match the criteria one would specify. This is an extremely valuable tool for anyone in college or about to graduate because it does a lot of the leg work for you, when looking for jobs or internships.

When typing in the job search the job title advertising director, quite a few listings appear to be available. One in particular jumps out, and it is the Director of Sales position for a company. This interests me because it is something that I find fun. I would manage a sales team to help promote the site and what it sells to the public. I do not know anyone in the field; my interest solely comes from watching different television reality shows, and just research on the web. As of now I have no experience in the field, but being a freshman in college I hope to gain experience in that field, and therefore I would use linked in as my means of getting my resume posted and having employers see what I am capable of.

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